
Twitch is a goblin thief attracted to shiny things. His biggest heist was an attempt to rob from the grand magus in his keep which ended up going horribly wrong. Now he finds himself out of place among a band of other heroes. How will Twitch leave his mark?

Twitch has shown an affinity towards tackling most situations by sneaking up to them. He favors attacking at range with his hand crossbow but keeps his dagger in his off hand at all times and is never afraid to boldly charge up to an enemy to stab them.

Having lived most of his life among humans, Twitch never expected to experience as much judgement from others as he has while exploring with his new companions. Most people he has come across greet Twitch at best with suspicion, and at worst, with a sharpened blade. Easy to anger, Twitch responds to most of these attacks against him with aggression, hostility and, in some cases, a sense of superiority some might argue is not yet earned.

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